Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy:

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs may vary by item.

Processing Time:

As soon as we receive your order, we process your item in 2-4 business days, this includes production time since most of the products are made to order.

Estimated Delivery time:

As soon as the order is processed, we will be sending tracking information to the email used during the purchase. It may take 4-5 days delivery. If your order hasn't arrived in the estimated delivery times, please contact our support team at If your order hasn't arrived within 60 days of the date of original purchase, contact our support team for a full refund on your purchase.

( This policy excludes errors made by customers when providing shipping details on their order(s) or missed parcel deliveries.)

Returns and Refund Guarantee:

For items received that are not as we described in our listing and defective items, we cover the return shipping cost and replace the item a.s.a.p.

All returns must be in it's original packaging and condition and also be made within 14 days of the delivery date.